Aug 5, 2010

Media: 4Rodas Magazine - Next 50 years car design

Hi everyone.
Here is a scan that a friend of mine sent from Brazil. The 4Rodas Magazine was completing 50 years old, and in a special edition included an issue about "The Next 50 Years" of car design, where some designers and studios were invited to show how could be the cars on these next 5 decades. My project MyMotion for Mercedes-Benz Germany was included illustrating the report. Thanks to Vitor from BRoba for invite me to participate.

See you all. Thanks for come.


Chrys Roos said...

Parabéns pela publicaçã do MyMotion na 4R, tenho acompanhado e admirado seus últimos projetos em Pforzheim.

Vojtech Stransky said...

Looks stunning mate!just the door opening reminds me Gina :-)

Rodrigo Ciossani said...

Valeu Chrys Roos, obrigado pelo tempo e vista no meu trabalho.

Vojta thanks for visit... yeah, about doors somebody commented me a year ago... it really does, that's fine! Thanks